
Showing posts from October, 2020

About PF&PM

                               Pilot Flying PF stands for Pilot Flying, and it means current pilot who's in charge of an aircraft who directs the aircraft mainly an operator of an aircraft. Basically PF is the pilot who lands, takeoffs, controls aircraft.                            Pilot Monitoring PM stands for Pilot Monitoring which means the pilot on a supportive role to pf. PM basically checks whats pf doing and supports or warns him. PM's responsibilities are communicating with control towers and affirms checklists. Thanks for reading my blog!

About ICAO Alphabet

 Hello everyone! in this post i will talk about icao alphabet and it's importance for aviation. Firstly icao (international civil aviation organization) created this alphabet to avoid any kind of confusion. The alphabet is basically saying a word about the first letter but it's adopted internationally. So this alphabet makes aviators to communicate more accurately and even with different accents it's more understandable than saying exact letters.
 Hi, My name is Ibrahim and i am 18 years old student in Istanbul. This writing will be about my aviation excitement and why did i choose to be a pilot. I want to start with saying aviation is my childhood dream. So, when i grow up older enough to choose what to study in university, it was not a big question for me basically i just had 3 options Aircraft engineering, Pilotage, Aviation management, i cant exactly tell what appealed me to pilotage, but i guess it was the idea of being in control of an aircraft. So,this is how my aviation education started. Hopefully i become a successful pilot one day.